On December 3rd, Miss Kay was officially admitted to the St. Mary's Senior Center - a community shelter which offers 5 months of shelter through the Winter while working toward independent housing. While this clearly isn't a permanent solution, anyone who has been in the Bay Area recently can attest to its importance. During the 3 or 4 days prior the entire area has experienced torrential rains and biting cold. St. Mary's won't solve all of Miss Kay's problems overnight, but it literally solves her first major problem overnight every night she is able to stay there. And within a few days she will also be assigned a case worker to help her attain benefits and create a road map to an independent and long term solution.
But most importantly, her spirits seem to have changed, and so have ours. It's always wise to not be overly optimistic from the start of something new, but the environment of St. Mary's seems to be a much needed change. It is genuine and lively - a place where there are no idle minds.
We will have more information soon as it becomes available, but until then please keep Hayok in your hearts and minds! And as always, if you have a message for her please tell us at redemptiondocumentary@gmail.com and we will see to it that she hears you.